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Energy efficient lighting is necessary to solve major issues such as recession and shortage of energy. People did not give importance to energy efficient lighting hence it led to shortage of energy and financial crises. Some years back it was noticed that energy shortage will be a huge issue. Energy shortage took place and cost of using energy even increased. Due to increase in electricity rates; many companies even came to end. This was because they were not able to cope with increase in energy prices. The products they were producing were very costly and people did not prefer purchasing them; this made them leave the industries they were working in. Even those companies which had a brand image suffered losses as people were not able to purchase the high priced items they were selling.

On the other hand many people became unemployed due to energy crises and they were not able to cope with constant increase in utility bills. People were living in a very difficult situation as a huge percentage of their income was consumed by the electricity bills. Many even did not pay at all and the end result was that the energy supplying companies had to cut off their electricity. Many companies even did not pay due to which energy producing companies made a huge loss. To cover their losses; the companies started raining the prices higher and the situation became out of control.

The above stated facts gave importance to the idea of energy efficient lighting. Researchers and scientists started working hard and they came out with alternatives such as CFLs (compact fluorescent lighting), LED lighting and Halogen lighting. Currently CFLs are high in demand and are being used by people in order to lower down electricity bills. With the aid of these kinds of lighting methods; energy crises can be solved and recession situations can even be solved. If energy will be used cautiously; there will be less wastage of energy and the electricity bills applied to households and businesses will even go down.

When electricity bills will go down; production cost will even decrease and low priced products will be available in the market. Keep in mind that loads shedding is not helpful at all; you need to use efficient ways of using energy in order to solve issues. People will even be able to save more as low electricity bills will be paid by them.

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